Coolidge at Sudbury Phase 2
Coolidge at Sudbury Phase 2 Client: Keith Construction | Sudbury, MA 3 modular block retaining walls and 1 infiltration basin 4,500 cubic yards of cuts and fills and 4,000 cubic yards of soil export Large Presby septic system with pump station and 19,000 gallon septic tank New 3 story senior living facility with underground parking […]
Senior Residences at the Machon
Senior Residences at the Machon Client: Keith Construction | Swampscott, MA 3 new Redi Rock retaining walls 4,500 cubic yard export site with ledge removal Large underground drainage system below parking lot New addition to former school that will be converted to senior housing New parking lot pavement, sidewalks, walkways, granite curbing and guardrail Utility […]
Brightview at Wakefield
Brightview at Wakefield Wakefield, MA 4,000 cubic yards of soil export New building with garage underneath New water, sewer, drain and electrical utilities Relocation of sewer and drain mains Temporary earth retention
Brookhaven at Lexington
Brookhaven at Lexington Lexington, MA 1,000 linear feet of sewer pipe 1,000 linear feet of water pipe 10,000 cubic yards of fill exported 100,000 square foot building addition 2,000 linear feet of drain pipe 30 acre site 350 linear feet of boulder retaining wall 4,000 linear feet of electrical trenching 5,000 square yards of parking […]
Brooksby Village
Brooksby Village Peabody, MA Overlay pave 3,000 square yards of asphalt Reclaim and pave 5,000 square yards of asphalt Remove and replace 1,000 linear feet of sidewalks Remove and replace 4,000 linear feet of curbing Roadway Improvements to Active Retirement Community
Brooksby Village
Brooksby Village Peabody, MA Demolish existing curbing, walkways and parking Full depth reconstruction of existing parking areas Installation of underdrains beneath parking lots and walkways to improve drainage New granite curbing, concrete and bituminous walkways
Caldwell Farm
Caldwell Farm Newbury, MA 125 acre site 24 buildings 5 detention basins 5,200 linear feet of roadway 66 units of townhouses 70,000 cubic yards of cut and fill
Coolidge at Sudbury
Coolidge at Sudbury Sudbury, MA Demolish existing house Drainage system with detention pond Large concrete block retaining wall Large presby septic system Parking lot paving and curbing Preparation for apartment building Roadway intersection improvements
Edgewood Life Care Center
Edgewood Life Care Center North Andover, MA 144 units and nursing home 20 acre site 23,500 square yards of paving 3,800 linear feet of drain 3,900 linear feet of sewer 6 buildings, total footprint 100,000 square feet 73 drain structures 75,000 cubic yards of fill moved onsite 9,200 linear feet of water main
North Hill Wellness Center
North Hill Wellness Center Needham, MA 1,100 square feet of Versa-lok retaining wall 30,000 square foot addition 300 linear feet of sewer 5,000 cubic yards of export 7 catch basins 700 linear feet of drain 8 drain manholes Underpinning and soilnailing for foundation excavation