Company Policy Statement

J. Masterson Construction Company realizes that the most valuable asset it has is its individuals. Because of this, we are committed to providing a working environment that is as safe as possible. This includes a safe job site, equipment, tools, conditions, workers, supervision and subcontractors.
We insist that safety be a top priority of our company, and we strive to maintain safe working practices through education, training and preventive measures.

Weekly Safety Meeting
Every employee takes part in a weekly safety meeting on a different subject.
Trench Safety
Trench safety is such an important part of our business we have created a specific Trench Safety Program with a system of fines for non-compliance.
Safety Rating
Due to our team effort we continually strive to have an excellent Experience Modification Rating (EMR).
Safety Compliance
We regularly enlist an independent consultant to perform audits of the job site and employee safety procedures as well as our safety policies.
Safety Training
We regularly have OSHA 10 hour training courses. Employees in our environmental group are also "40 hour trained" and regularly take the necessary refresher courses. Additionally, our foreman and supervisors are trained in first aid and CPR.